
Letter: It’s time America let Israel proceed at its own risk and its own expense

I am tired of watching decade after decade slide by with no progress on a two-state solution

(Haiyun Jiang | The New York Times) The U.S. Capitol in Washington, as protestors gather for a pro-Israel march on Nov. 14, 2023.

I enjoyed reading Matthew Weinstein’s opinion piece in The Tribune (“When anti-Zionism is — and is not — antisemitism”). I agree with his view that countries should not be subject to the death penalty, as he puts it, for their behavior. And, while I understand where he is coming from when he says that non-Jews aren’t entitled to an opinion about whether Jews should have a state or not, I don’t see or hear many making such an argument.

As for me, I am not a Jew, but I am a U.S. citizen who is tired of watching his hard-earned taxpayer dollars support continued ethnic cleansing in the West Bank to create Lebensraum for Israeli settlers who want to live in the occupied territories because land is cheaper there than in Israel proper.

I am tired of watching decade after decade slide by with no progress on a two-state solution. I know that Israel is not solely responsible for the failure to put this plan into action. However, if Israel intends to run out the clock on this agreement, as it appears, then I believe it’s time America stepped away from our unconditional support and let Israel proceed at its own risk and its own expense.

David Harris, Salt Lake City

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